IU Rstudio Connect (Beta)
Provides access to a shared RStudio Connect instance, allowing researchers to publish Shiny applications and other interactive utilities via a controlled web interface. Provided as a lab based service at an annual cost of $5,000 per year for a lab, access is restricted to authorized users and projects . Each lab may have up to 10 publishers for the RSC service and will also be provided up to 100GB of storage on the RSC server to store data associated with their Shiny applications. The cost for this service is prorated, and lab managers will be able to manage charges and renew their annual subscription by going to the RSC management website at https://go.iu.edu/RStudioConnect.
This service had been previously offered as a limited pilot (Jul 2020-June 2021) to assess the need and viability of a production level service offering.
Please contact rstudio-connect@iu.edu if you have any questions about this process, require any help with Shiny application development, or need any help accessing the RSC service or data storage.