Andrew Saykin
CfN & IADRC Director
Director, IU Center for Neuroimaging (CfN)
asaykin@iupui.edu Dr. Andrew Saykin is one of the world’s leading authorities on neuroimaging, and his expertise is critical to diagnosing and understanding how Alzheimer’s disease progresses.
Since 2013, Dr. Saykin has served as director of the Indiana Alzheimer Disease Center. He also directs Indiana University Center for Neuroimaging and is a Raymond C. Beeler professor of radiology. He received an MS and PsyD from Hahnemann Medical College.
Dr. Saykin uses brain imaging and genomic methods to study mechanisms of memory dysfunction and treatment response in neurological and psychiatric disorders. Some of his current research examines advanced imaging methods for early preclinical detection of Alzheimer’s, the neural basis of cancer chemotherapy-induced cognitive changes and the alterations in brain activity and connectivity in schizophrenia.